Policy and Public Affairs Forum 

About the Policy and Public Affairs Forum


The purpose of the Forum is to: 

  • Alert AmCham Members to pending legislation that may impact businesses operating in South Africa. 
  • Assist with submissions on pending legislation. 
  • Discuss and share common challenges inhibiting businesses regarding governmental policies and drafts. 
  • Explore common challenges that businesses are exposed to when engaging with government and parastatals. 
  • Share expert knowledge and best-practice examples. 

Forum activities could include hosting panel discussions and/or events focusing on key areas related to the growth of the South African economy, engagement with relevant government officials, and discussions on pertinent items of legislation. 


The scope of the Forum will focus on legislative issues impacting businesses operating in South Africa, the sharing of best practices, brainstorming common issues, and possible solutions to growing the South African economy while ensuring a healthy, competitive, and democratic legislative framework is in place. 

This includes: 

  • Policy and Public Affairs 
  • Legislation & Tax 
  • Energy, Crime 
  • Transportation & Logistics 
  • Infrastructure 

Any other related areas will be addressed through the various AmCham Forums as identified, as a cross-cutting Forum issue. 


Chairmanship of the Committee:

Board Patron: Babongile Mandela 

Chairperson: Suraya Hamdulay 

Vice Chairperson: Mohamed Khader 


Meeting Arrangements:

Meeting Frequency and Location:

Meetings will occur quarterly (or similarly) as determined by AmCham. Forum meetings are held either virtually or in-person. Special meetings may also be called as and when the need arises to address urgent items for attention. 

Meeting Procedures:

Each meeting should have an agenda outlining the intention and purpose, including an address by a subject matter expert or panel discussion on a topic of interest to Forum members. Meetings should not exceed 90 minutes in duration, unless otherwise determined by the Forum, and clear action items and next steps need to be identified by the close of each meeting.